28 April 2020
We have lots of busy bees today! It is lovely to see the home learning that is taking place!
Declan has been working on NumberBots, spellings and Hit the Button. He watched the Green Eggs and Ham video with his little sister. Declan said he thought the story was a message about how you should always try things even if you think you won't like them. He enjoyed making egg shapes with lego too. Finally, Declan finished the day with his daily walk ... in army camouflage!
Jamila has continued her work on Ancient Egypt.
Abi has been building her Celtic Roundhouse.
Kara has been very busy reading on Bug Club and has been doing a robot maths game.
Chloe has also enjoyed Shark in the Park, making a telescope and getting her daddy to act out Timothy's actions. A big box also means imaginative play, first a boat and then an ice cream stall.